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Sweet and savory Quiche

You’ll need

Pie pan

7 Large eggs

1/4 cup milk

Bacon crumbles (4-6 bacon slices)

1/2 cup cubes cheese (your pick)

8-10 blackberries

Salt (pinch)

First you will want to preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl crack eggs and pour in milk and add pinch of salt. Mix well until the eggs look fluffy. Cook bacon and crumble into the bottom of pie pan. Add cheese and blackberries. Next pour over egg mix and place into oven for 30 mins or until eggs are cooked all the way through and top just starts to brown. (Give it a check at 20 mins and see how your cooking) ? then remove let cool 10 minutes. Sprinkle a few more bacon crumbles on top along with some chopped blackberries! You can top with fresh parsley to add some more color and freshness! Cut into slices and Enjoy! ?

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