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Summer sweet corn chowder 

Hey hey, so I had some leftover corn on the cob and decided to make a corn chowder for lunch today.

First I took the corn off the cob I had about 4 ears of corn leftover. 

Diced up two yellow onion then I put the corn, onions and a half a stick of butter in pot to caramelize down. I then added two cloves garlic, two thick cut bacon pieces, diced four slices of ham and a half a cup of flour and made into a rue. 

Then I added my liquids. 4 cups of water 1 cup of heavy whipping cream 1 cup half-and-half one and a half cup chicken stock and brought to a boil.

Once boiling I added 2 cups of fiesta cheese and simmered for about 10 minutes.

Salt and pepper if need ( I added a punch of both) 

I’ve then put in my crockpot and left on warm so I will have lunch when I get home this afternoon.

When serving top with cheddar cheese, chives and bacon bits enjoy!​

[wpvideo LTWUw1RA]​

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