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Seared salmon with veggies

Fresh salmon

1 pound package Brussels cut in half

3 Carrots sliced

1 package Cherry tomatoes

1 Bundle of asparagus

Olive oil

4 Garlic cloves minced

1 lemon or lemon juice

Garlic salt


First on sheet pan place tin foil and add veggies drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle garlic salt to taste, mix and set pan aside. In a frying pan add olive oil and heat until sizzling. Salt and pepper the salmon and place meat side down into pan sear for 3-4 minutes. Flip salmon and sear skin side for another 3 minutes. Then place salmon on tin foil drizzle with 2 tbsp lemon juice and add minced garlic. Place onto sheet pan with veggies. Bake in preheated oven at 375 for 15 minutes until veggies start to brown and cherry tomatoes began to burst. Remove and serve. Can serve with cous cous for a healthy carb! Enjoy

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