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Seared duck with herbs

You’ll need

5-6 duck breast

2 sprigs rosemary

2 tbsp fresh chopped sage

5 garlic cloves minced

1/2 large sweet onion diced

Mushrooms browned

Salt and pepper to taste

3/4 cup Red wine (I used cooking wine)

1 1/2cup beef broth

1 pinch ground ginger

If you are working with fresh wild duck you should soak it for at least a day in salt water to pull the blood out of the meat. Then rinse meat and pay dry, Salt and pepper. In a cast iron skillet drizzled with olive oil. And add mushrooms and brown. Then add chopped onions and minced garlic and continue to sauté until translucent. Add sage and rosemary sprigs Move everything to side of pan and then place the duck breast in center of pan (add a tad more oil before placing down) then sear duck breast on both sides about 4 minutes per side. Once you have a nice sear pour in broth and wine and bring to a boil. Let boil and reduce by 1/3. About 8 minutes. Wile this is simmering cook cous cous in separate pan follow directions on package. Place cous cous in plate when finished cooking. When ready to serve slice duck and place on top of cous cous then Kassel the sauce over the top of cous cous and duck. Place fresh rosemary on for garnish and serve hot! Enjoy!

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