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Lemon garlic chicken over basil, tomato fettuccine

You’ll need:

3 Chicken quarters or 6 thighs

6 Fresh garlic cloves minced

5-6 Fresh basil leaves

2 tbsp Dried basil

1 lemon

Olive oil


Chicken stock


Cherry tomatoes

First you will need preferably a cast iron pan, drizzle with olive oil to coat bottom of pan and heat, add two tbsp butter. Salt and pepper the chicken and place into pan to sear. I usually take my “floppy” lids and push the chicken down to get s better sear. Turn over after you have a crispy brown skin. Then squeeze both lemons over the chicken and drop lemons flesh side down into pan with chicken. Add garlic and heat until garlic starts to become translucent. Drop in cherry tomatoes and 1 cup chicken stock. Sprinkle chicken with dried basil and place into oven at 450 for 15-20 minutes until chicken is cooked all the way through. While chicken is cooking bring water to boil and cook noodles as directed. Drain and set aside. Drizzle pasta with a little more olive oil and add salt and pepper to taste. Top with fresh Parmesan cheese and fresh basil. When chicken is done remove chicken from pan bring drippings and stick to a boil if you would like s thicker sauce add a rouge of flour and stock mixture. Pour over pasta and place chicken on top of pasta and serve!


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