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Imitation Crab Salad

You’ll need

8oz pack imitation crab

1/2 cup miracle whip

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp lemon

1/2 tsp paprika

A good pinch of salt

3 tbsp fine chopped fresh parsley

4-5 radishes sliced then matchstick style

5-6 small sweet peppers sliced thin and chopped in 3rds

1/3 cup celery diced

A dash of tobasco sauce for heat

Pull apart the crab and chop into small flaky pieces, add mayo, vinegar and lemon. Stir then add seasonings. Chop all veggies and add to bowl mix well and that’s it! Serve on top of sliced green apples or with crackers or pita bread! Enjoy!

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