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Guinness cheese dip

You’ll need:

Round pumper knuckle bread bowl

1 cup Guinness beer

8oz cream cheese

1 cup Mexican mozzarella

1 cup shredded Colby jack cheese (can use cheddar also)

1 tbsp whole ground mustard

4-6 shakes Tabasco sauce

1 jalapeño diced

1 tsp garlic powder

In a sauté pan or Dutch oven add cream cheese and vegan to soften then add in jalapeño. One cream cheese is softened start adding in beer little by little until mixed with cream cheese. Add in mustard, Tabasco, and garlic powder. Once all mixed start adding cheese by the handful and mixing until nice and smooth.

Cut out bread bowl top and then hollow out center of bowl and pour in the cheese mix. Heat oven to 375 and bake for 7-10 minutes until bubbling top with mozzarella let melt and ready to serve. Oh sprinkle over some fresh chopped parsley for color! Enjoy dipping the bread that you pulled out of center or dip roasted veggies! Yum!

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