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Butter Bean Soup w/Basil topping

Youll need:
1 lb dry butter beans
2 medium sweet onions diced
6 cups chicken stock
1 large carrot diced
1 celery stalk diced
1 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes halved
1 small zucchini quartered and diced
salt and pepper to taste 

Basil topping:
2 cups fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup parmigiano regiano cheese
1/2 cup roasted pistachios
 1/2 cup olive oil
salt and pepper 

Directions: (The night before, make sure you place beans in bowl and cover with cold water, cover and let soak until next day)
Dice all veggies.
In skillet add a little olive oil and saute onions until soft, add in celery and carrots and saute another 3 minutes. Then add into crockpot along with broth and drained beans. Cover and cook 6-8 hours on low. Then add in fennel, tomatoes, zucchini, salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook 1 hour more. 

Basil topping directions:
Bring a small pot of water to a boil and season with a little salt. Once boiling add fresh basil leaves to water and blanch for 20 seconds utnil bright green. Remove and place into bowl of ice water. Then place into town and dry all excess water. Place into a food processor with roasted pistachios and cheese. Slowly add in the olive oil while pulsing. Add salt and pepper to taste. You want a nice paste. Once done place in bowl, cover and refrigerate until ready to top on soup. 

 To serve place in bowl and top with basil topping. You can serve with crusty bread. Enjoy! 

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