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Breakfast Sausage Gravy

You’ll need:

2 packs Hormel original sausage links

1 tbsp butter melted

1/4 cup flour for thickening (if doing low card don’t add, use corn starch and only a tsp at time.)

4 cups 2% milk

2 tsp fresh ground black pepper

Salt to taste

In a large pan, cook sausage. Remove and drain grease. Chop sausage into mini bite size pieces. Then place back into pan. Add butter to center of pan and melt. Then sprinkle the flour evenly over top of butter and whisk. Stir and mix until all flour is mixed into sausage and butter. Then add milk 1 cup at a time stirring so you don’t get clumps. Bring to a boil and simmer on medium low for 5-7 minutes until it is to the thickness you like. (If using corn starch add into milk a little at a time and mix so it doesn’t clump before adding into sausage. Taste and add salt and pepper as needed. Perfect to make ahead and have on hand for the week for quick breakfast for the kids. Keep in refrigerator for up to 5 days. (For drop biscuit recipe search drop biscuits which goes perfect with this gravy. Or for low carb biscuits search low carb biscuits)

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