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White wine garlic seafood pasta with veggies

You will need:

One bag mixed sea food (I get at Walmart in freezer section)

Bag of frozen clams

White wine (I like Chardonnay)

Garlic cloves 4-6

1 white onion

One stick butter

Chicken or vegetable stock


Cherry tomatoes


Parmesan cheese

Hot peppers

Fresh parsley

First you will need to thaw and dry your seafood. Set aside

In a nonstick pan add 3/4 stick butter and sauté garlic and half white onion until translucent. Then add 1 cup white wine with one cup broth of your choice. Let simmer and reduce by half. Add bag of sea food and let simmer for 5-7 minutes in sauce. You can add a splash if heavy cream if you want to add a little creaminess. I like a little heat also so I added a tap of cayenne pepper. Lastly i add the cooked bag of clams and let warm in sauce. I boiled my pasta as directed drained and set aside. I then took a pan and added the remainder of butter to pan and added one cloves garlic, half white onion cherry tomatoes and asparagus let sauté until tomatoes start to pop and asparagus is tender. To plate add pasta to bowl and top with sauce and seafood then add veggies. I like to top with fresh grated Parmesan cheese, hot peppers and fresh parsley, serve with a side of crusty bread and enjoy! ?

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