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Veggie & cheese loaded Quiche with bacon

You’ll need:

7 eggs

1/4 cup of milk

6-8 button mushrooms sliced

1 yellow onion diced

3 cups fresh spinach

1 1/2 cup cubed cheese (I used sharp cheddar & white cheddar)

Salt/ pepper

In bowl crack eggs and add milk beat until eggs are frothy. In sauté pan drizzle with olive oil and add mushrooms and onions and sauté. Once veggies start to soften add spinach and cover until spinach is wilted. Add salt and paper a few pinch’s. In pie pan butter bottom of pan and evenly Spears out veggies into pan, add cheese evenly and then pour egg mixture over top. Place into oven at 350 and bake for 30 minutes until eggs are cooked through and start to brown on top. Sprinkle bacon bites over the top and place back into oven for 5 minutes. Remove and let cook 5 minutes cut and serve! Enjoy ?

Olive oil


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